Elevate Your Coding Journey: Unleash the Power of Python with Our Dynamic Course!


Why Choose Python Course Through GyanBridge?

python Certification

Certification of Completion

Our program includes a certification of completion, boosting
the value of your professional portfolio and showcasing your
practical skills.

Online Classes and 24/7 Support

Engage in live classes and receive continuous support roundthe-clock, ensuring an uninterrupted learning journey.

Expert Mentors and Instructors

Learn from seasoned professionals and mentors who provide
tailored guidance and insights to enhance your learning

Hands-On Projects

Explore the benefits of hands-on projects, fostering a
dynamic learning environment through interactive sessions
and practical application of ReactJS concepts

What Will You Learn?









Course Content

  • Introduction to Python Language
  • Features, the advantages of Python over other programming languages
  • Python installation – Windows, Mac & Linux distribution for Anaconda Python
  • Deploying Python IDE
  • Basic Python commands, data types, variables, keywords, and more
  • Built-in data types in Python
  • Learn classes, modules, Str(String), Ellipsis Object, Null Object, Ellipsis, Debug
  • Basic operators, comparison, arithmetic, slicing and slice operator, logical, bitwise
  • Loop and control statements while, for, if, break, else, continue.
  • How to write OOP concepts program in Python
  • Connecting to a database
  • Classes and objects in Python OOPs paradigm, important concepts in OOP like polymorphism, inheritance, encapsulation
  • Python functions, return types and parameters
  • Lambda expressions
  • Understanding the Database, need of database
  • Installing MySQL on windows
  • Understanding Database connection using Python.
  • Introduction to arrays and matrices
  • Broadcasting of array math, indexing of array
  • Standard deviation, conditional probability, correlation and covariance.
  • Introduction to SciPy
  • Functions building on top of NumPy, cluster, linalg, signal, optimize, integrate, subpackages, SciPy with Bayes Theorem.
  • How to plot graph and chart with Python
  • Various aspects of line, scatter, bar, histogram, 3D, the API of MatPlotLib, subplots.
  • Introduction to Python dataframes
  • Importing data from JSON, CSV, Excel, SQL database, NumPy array to dataframe
  • Various data operations like selecting, filtering, sorting, viewing, joining, combining
  • Introduction to Exception Handling
  • Scenarios in Exception Handling with its execution
  • Arithmetic exception
  • RAISE of Exception
  • What is Random List, running a Random list on Jupyter Notebook
  • Value Error in Exception Handling.
  • Introduction to Thread, need of threads
  • What are thread functions
  • Performing various operations on thread like joining a thread, starting a thread, enumeration in a thread
  • Creating a Multithread, finishing the multithreads.
  • Understanding Race Condition, lock and Synchronization.
  • Intro to modules in Python, need of modules
  • How to import modules in python
  • Locating a module, namespace and scoping
  • Arithmetic operations on Modules using a function
  • Intro to Search path, Global and local functions, filter functions
  • Python Packages, import in packages, various ways of accessing the packages
  • Decorators, Pointer assignments, and Xldr.
  • Introduction to web scraping in Python
  • Installing of beautifulsoup
  • Installing Python parser lxml
  • Various web scraping libraries, beautifulsoup, Scrapy Python packages
  • Creating soup object with input HTML
  • Searching of tree, full or partial parsing, output print

Industry-Aligned Curriculum for Python With Certification

Module 12

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